In line with the celebration of National Ip Month, a Pre – Summit is held today October 4, 2022 at Pagana Grand ball. This is in partnership with Indigenous Women Resource Center (IWRC) and Consortium of Bangsamoro Civil Society (CBCS). The Pre-summit was conducted to address the different issues and concerns of the Indigenous Peoples continue reading :

MIPA Conducts Assembly and Workshop for its Master Plan

The Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs (MIPA) organized a Consultative Assembly and Workshop for the development of its Master Plan 2020-2025 for the Indigenous People in BARMM.Funded by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the 5-day activity, from August 7 to 11, was joined by the IP representatives from the island provinces continue reading : MIPA Conducts Assembly and Workshop for its Master Plan